
What I Offer





What I Offer





What I Offer


I help people feel better in their bodies and minds so they can find their way back to a more balanced state of health and well-being. When there's less compression in the spine, our whole body becomes freer so we breathe and move better. When there’s less tension in the mind, we function better. Therefore, what I offer is more quality of life. I'm an NYC-based Alexander Technique and Klein Technique™ teacher and a Zero Balancing practitioner.


The Alexander Technique

The Alexander Technique is a very simple method that helps you identify and change harmful patterns of tension, both at the physical and mental level. AT can help relieve excessive compression in the spine and other joints and reduce levels of stress and anxiety.

I can teach you:

  • how to improve balance and coordination

  • to gently lengthen the spine

  • to feel better in everything you do

  • how to allow for natural breathing

  • to pause and encourage space in your life

  • to calm down the nervous system

  • how to invite healing and unlock deep transformation


Here’s a great video explaining how the Alexander Technique actually works, based on a simple scientific model.


Klein Technique ™

Helpful resources


Klein Technique™ is a system of movement education and re-education that works at the interface of energy and structure (body/mind). It centers around the skeletal system and its relationship to the ground, the environment and within itself. The aim is to bring the pelvis on top of the legs through a series of simple exercises and slow stretches.

The process involves:

  • letting go of the superficial muscles and connecting to the deep postural muscles of support

  • paying attention to the breath

  • establishing internal and external connections throughout the body (both on the energetic and structural level)

  • using the space and skeleton as support

  • finding joy and clarity in movement


Zero Balancing

The Art and Science of Integrating Body Energy and Structure Through the Use of Touch

Helpful resources


Zero Balancing (ZB) is a hands-on bodywork system designed to align your body's energy with the physical body. Simple yet powerful, it focuses on your whole person, even when addressing specific needs. Considered the leading edge of body/mind therapies, ZB moves beyond Western scientific approaches to body structure by incorporating Eastern concepts of energy and healing.

ZB helps balance body energy and structure with the benefits of:

  • feeling of well-being

  • relieving symptoms of stress

  • reducing physical and emotional pain

  • relieving musculoskeletal tension

  • Enhancing wellness and self-actualization


For in-person private seesions in NYC, please feel free to message me.

Helping the student release the leg forward from the hip-joint to free up the lower back.

Working with the client to help promote a sense of ease and balance around the head/neck/jaw area.

Guiding the student through a series of movements of the head and spine while maintaining the connection through the ground.

Guiding the student through a series of movements of the head and spine while maintaining the connection through the ground. Centro de Referència da Dança, São Paulo.Photo by Angela Oskar -

Movement Research’s 2023 Summer MELT at Judson Church,NYC. Photo by Rachel Keane.

Movement Research’s 2023 Summer MELT at Judson Church,NYC. Photo by Rachel Keane.


About Me

About Me


About Me


My love for the human body in action led me to discover certain ways to think, sense and move that go beyond the physical realms as we understand it. I had my first Alexander Technique lesson in the early 90s at the age of 22 and I immediately became fascinated with the body/mind reality. I remember having a life-changing response to those early experiences. Shortly after that, I discovered Klein Technique™, which led me to move to NYC in 1999. I was then introduced by Susan Klein to Zero Balancing, which taught me the concept of the energy body. That was also a life-changing experience. I came to NYC for my dancing and I stayed for my healing. With a background in physical theater, dance and circus, I have been able to stay healthy and maintain a very successful and busy career in the performing arts world for the past 30 years.

I spent 14 years dancing for the STREB-EXTREME ACTION dance company, which is perhaps one of the most physically demanding dance companies on the planet. I was also their Associate Artistic Director for a big part of that. I attribute my good health and well-being to the knowledge and practice of the principles of the Alexander Technique, Klein Technique™ and ZB. 

My biggest interest is in helping people move, breathe and live better. I’m particularly invested in providing relief to people living with chronic pain. I also have a special connection with my LGBTQ community and with folks in recovery from drugs and alcohol as I have been sober a long time myself. I was an adjunct instructor at PACE University 2014-2017 and I’m currently a faculty memeber at Movement Research and David Geffen School of Drama at Yale.


"If you open up your body, mind and emotions, your life will be pretty good. If you open up your energy system, it will become magical. The mind is a powerful instrument. Every thought, every emotion you create changes the very chemistry of your body. The simplest way to bring balance to your thoughts and emotions is an unwavering commitment towards something." —Sadhguru 



Alexander Technique

First lesson in 1993

Joined Teacher Training Program in 2010

Graduated from The American Center for The Alexander Technique (ACAT) in 2014. Joined The American Society for the Alexander Technique (AmSAT) in the same year. 


Klein Technique

First lesson in 1999

Joined Klein Certification Program in 2004

Certified by The Susan Klein School of Movement and Dance- NYC in 2012. 


Zero Balancing

First session in 2000

Joined the Certification Program in  2001

Certified by The Zero Balancing Health Association in 2013. 


Alexander Technique Liberation Project Inclusivity Statement:

“All welcome, those seeking greater embodied freedom. This includes all races, colors, religions, sexes, gender identities or expressions, sexual orientations, national origins, genetics, body types, abilities (visible and invisible), ages, immigrant statuses and economic statuses. Mistakes will be made such as those caused by biases, prejudices and stereotypes. However, we are committed to the ongoing process of being called in, uncovering layers, deepening understanding and enacting positive change.We commit to promoting equity and attending to harm when it happens.”

Additionally: My colleagues and I acknowledge and reject all racist and sexist ideas, both expressed and implied, in F.M. Alexander’s writings (1869-1955).